How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.
-Some Guy Probably
Classicube is a community based around the minecraft classic game
We from the classicube community believe the classic version of
minecraft shouldn't have been removed by the mojang team. We took it upon ourselves (and with permission from
Dinnerbone) to host our own minecraft
classic game. So far we have over 41,200 registered accounts on the website. We hope to see you there and
enjoying a game from our past that we spent so much time on!
Visit to get started

ProCraft is server software designed for use on
ProCraft started out as a copy of a copy of fCraft, one of the original minecraft classic servers back in the day. I originally
made it as a personal server software for myself and to teach myself C# along the way. It has grown to be the
second most powerful classicube server publically available today. It takes advantage of all the CPE specs to make your time playing the best it can be.
You can get ProCraft Here and get view
the source code Here